Runner's Roster Due Tomorrow!

So now that I am back in town, DC1 is out of here to recuperate from surgery! It has been a whirlwind of a month, so onward to February.

We have a lot to get done in the upcoming weeks but first up is the roster. An official Team Roster of up to 45 potential runners to select from is due to race officials tomorrow. I am sending the form 30JAN09 COB (pending CO's approval).

Right now we have 6 free runner spots and 4 alternate runner spots. New rules from the race committee state that because we will be running as a federal team, we can have anyone that was stationed at Sector Los Angeles- Long Beach last year as a runner candidate to pull from.

We are here for any questions/comments/concerns!
Team Co-Captains LTjg Young and DC1 Wissmann