First team run!

We have a run scheduled for 03JAN09. That's this Saturday!

Let's start off the New Year with a nice 6 mile run. I would like to
meet at the waterfront just outside of the Catalina Ferry Terminal
(The Down Town Landing) at 0800.

320 Golden Shore, Long Beach, CA‎

The plan is to park our vehicles at the terminal parking garage and
meet just west of the passenger loading area.
I will have a van available to take all runners up to the Del Amo exit
just North of I-405. We will drive up and run back to our vehicles.
The run will start at approximately 0830 and go until about 0930 or
1000 hopefully.

Due to an injury to my right foot I will be in the vehicle the entire
time but will be available for refreshments and first aid at the 3
mile mark and the finish line.

The course is marked at 1/4 mile intervals the entire way so it
shouldn't be difficult to track your pace.

Please RSVP directly to me at or call 510-205-5039

Very Respectfully,

DC1 Nate Wissmann (x. 3669) and LTjg Stephanie Young (x. 3610)

Welcome Team 1790

Team 1790,

Our official site is now up and running! This will be a great place to check up on Team Coast Guard as we prepare for the race and the events leading up to it. So please share the link with family and friends.

Yesterday, DC1 Wissmann submitted our official check to the race directors, so we are officially in! Unfortunately, we have been slacking on the team runs-so I hope you have been running on your own! Luckily, with the New Year coming, we are ushering in a great plan that we hope our team can stick to-check out the calendar section. Our first Team run will be on 03JAN09 with a follow up meeting on 05JAN09. Look on the website or in your inboxes for more details to come.

For now, enjoy the holidays and come back in the New Year ready to run!

Your Team Captains

B2V Due Dates

These due dates are also marked on the Calendar.

1/05/09 Team T-Shirt Order Form
1/27/09 Communications Form
1/30/09 Team Agency Roster Form
2/17/09 Team Locator Form
2/17/09 Team Estimated Time Form
2/3/09 Team Category Form
3/9/09 Preliminary Run Plan - Runner Registration by 10:00 PST
3/13/09 Final Run Plan

B2V Meeting Minutes

Baker to Vegas enthusiasts,

Below are the minutes from our last meeting. Apologies for taking so long,
but we are hanging on the funding right now and I wanted to see if I could
get that information before I sent the minutes out.

Right now we are still standing by on the funds. I will be departing on
leave but DC1 Wissmann will be available for any and all questions.

We appreciate your support and teamwork and look forward to working out with
you starting 01DEC08. Standby on that date for the proposed workout schedule
of "training runs."

*** MINUTES ***
Baker to Vegas Meeting
Second Deck Conference Room
Sector Los Angeles-Long Beach
November 7, 2008

a Opening Remarks

b Team Component
i. We are entering in the "mixed" category, and by definition we cannot
have any people that are outside of our geographic area. Each team is
defined in the rule book and states who can be on what team. We understand
the commitment that past team members have made .but we also want to stick
by the rules.
ii. The team will comprise of 13 "legacy" members (anyone on the team
still stationed here) and 11 new runners (7 runners, 4 alternate runners)
iii. New runners will be determined after a series of training runs that
will involve all team members starting 01DEC08 (schedule TBD).

c LT Glen and Mr. Epperson will be heading the t-shirt committee

d If you plan on attending either as a volunteer or a runner PLEASE
ensure you have a hotel booked. They are filling up fast (St. Patrick's Day
weekend, March Madness, and Baker to Vegas weekend)

e Team dues are TBD. We are standing by to see if they will waive
parts of the entry fee.

Very Respectfully,
Your B2V Team Captains

Baker to Vegas 2009 Update

*if pressed for time: cliff notes are at the bottom of the e-mail*

Good Morning,

The planning and preparation portion of Baker to Vegas is in full swing-we
hope your running is too!

We are currently in the process of finalizing the members who will be
running. At this time there are 38 people requesting to compete and 24
spots. It is important that you attend our first sit down meeting if you
are interested in running, November 7th from 1200-1300 to touch base and
receive all of the pertinent information. If you cannot attend, please let
either DC1 or I know so we can ensure you are still interested. If you are
volunteering to assist with the race logistics we will have another meeting

At this point we need full commitment, which I know can be rather difficult
this early out. At this meeting we will discuss:
1-who will be running
2-applicable fees
3-hotels available
4-the (new!) race course
5-tshirt design

We would also like to reiterate, there are numerous roles that you can
participate in the event including: running, alternate runner, van driver,
shuttle driver, logistics, communications, radio, medical, public affairs,
documenting, and countless other support roles. Each one is vital to the
success of the team.

Very Respectfully,
ENS Stephanie Young (x. 3610) and DC1 Nate Wissmann (x. 3669)

Cliff Notes:
Who-Those who are committed to running!
What-Baker to Vegas Challenge Cup meeting
When-07NOV08 1200-1300
Where-The 2nd deck conf. room
Why-discuss the race
How-email: Stephanie.m.young (at) or Nathan.d.wissmann (at)

Baker to Vegas 2009 Update

*if pressed for time: cliff notes are at the bottom of the e-mail*

Good Morning,

As many of you have heard, close to 40 active duty, reserve, and Auxiliary
members from Sector LA-LB and outlying units, Sector San Diego, PSU 311, and
D11 including the Sector LA-LB Commander and Deputy Commander participated
in the 24th Annual Baker to Vegas Challenge Cup on April 19-20 2008. The
Challenge cup is known as "The Law Enforcement Run" and is a relay race,
which begins outside Baker, CA and ends in Las Vegas, NV. It is one of the
largest law enforcement athletic events in the world. In last year's event,
242 teams from as far away as South Wales and Calgary participated totaling
close to 5,000 runners.

The participation in the 24th Challenge Cup was the first time ever that the
Coast Guard, as a team, was represented in the race. In its inaugural year,
Team Coast Guard represented well running in desert terrain, mountain
passes, and temperatures ranging from 90 degrees to 40 degrees. Team Coast
Guard finished the 120 miles in 17 hours and 41 minutes, good for 5th place
in the Federal Station category and 143rd out of 242 teams. Furthermore, the
team was not penalized for any rule violations and completed the race
without any major logistics problems - almost unheard of for a first year
team. Please see the attached photos for a quick glimpse of action from the

Team Coast Guard is ramping up again for participation in the 2009 Baker to
Vegas Challenge Cup, which will be held 14-15 MAR 2009. We currently have
many members that will be re-running the course-but we are now seeking new
team members! Please respond to or by Monday of Next week if you are interested.

There are numerous roles that you can participate in the event including:
running, alternate runner, van driver, shuttle driver, logistics,
communications, radio, medical, public affairs, documenting, and countless
other support roles. Each one is vital to the success of the team.

DC1 Wissmann and I will be co-captaining the team this year and are looking
forward to competing in the 25th anniversary of the race.

Cliff Notes:
Who-Coast Guard Members (AD, RES, CIV, AUX) and their families (for support
and assistance) What-Baker to Vegas Challenge Cup
When-14-15 March 2009
Where-The desert (Baker, CA to Las Vegas, NV) Why-representing the CG in one
of the largest athletic events in the world
How-email: Stephanie.m.young (at) or Nathan.d.wissmann (at)

Very Respectfully,
ENS Stephanie Young (x. 3610) and DC1 Nate Wissmann (x. 3669)

Who wants a mug?

Ladies and Gentlemen:

Baker to Vegas 2009 is 6 months away! The race date is March 14-15, 2009.

I am attending the first of 5 planning meetings tomorrow in Los Angeles and
wanted to get everyone motivated for next years excitement. As we remember
from last year, the 6 months of preparation can go by incredibly fast.

Here is your initial warning email to start running, start planning, and of
course-buy new running shoes.

I am writing to this list first to see if you would like your spot reserved
again. If you know you will be unable to make it, or would not like to
participate, please let me know so I can remove you from the list.

DC1 Nate Wissmann is co-captain with me this year, so if you have any
questions/comments/concerns, e-mail any of us and we will get back to you.

Look forward to future emails about the run...

Very Respectfully,
ENS Stephanie "we are getting a mug this year" Young