Baker to Vegas 2009 is 6 months away! The race date is March 14-15, 2009.
I am attending the first of 5 planning meetings tomorrow in Los Angeles and
wanted to get everyone motivated for next years excitement. As we remember
from last year, the 6 months of preparation can go by incredibly fast.
Here is your initial warning email to start running, start planning, and of
course-buy new running shoes.
I am writing to this list first to see if you would like your spot reserved
again. If you know you will be unable to make it, or would not like to
participate, please let me know so I can remove you from the list.
DC1 Nate Wissmann is co-captain with me this year, so if you have any
questions/comments/concerns, e-mail any of us and we will get back to you.
Look forward to future emails about the run...
Very Respectfully,
ENS Stephanie "we are getting a mug this year" Young