Below are the minutes from our last meeting. Apologies for taking so long,
but we are hanging on the funding right now and I wanted to see if I could
get that information before I sent the minutes out.
Right now we are still standing by on the funds. I will be departing on
leave but DC1 Wissmann will be available for any and all questions.
We appreciate your support and teamwork and look forward to working out with
you starting 01DEC08. Standby on that date for the proposed workout schedule
of "training runs."
*** MINUTES ***
Baker to Vegas Meeting
Second Deck Conference Room
Sector Los Angeles-Long Beach
November 7, 2008
a Opening Remarks
b Team Component
i. We are entering in the "mixed" category, and by definition we cannot
have any people that are outside of our geographic area. Each team is
defined in the rule book and states who can be on what team. We understand
the commitment that past team members have made .but we also want to stick
by the rules.
ii. The team will comprise of 13 "legacy" members (anyone on the team
still stationed here) and 11 new runners (7 runners, 4 alternate runners)
iii. New runners will be determined after a series of training runs that
will involve all team members starting 01DEC08 (schedule TBD).
c LT Glen and Mr. Epperson will be heading the t-shirt committee
d If you plan on attending either as a volunteer or a runner PLEASE
ensure you have a hotel booked. They are filling up fast (St. Patrick's Day
weekend, March Madness, and Baker to Vegas weekend)
e Team dues are TBD. We are standing by to see if they will waive
parts of the entry fee.
Very Respectfully,
Your B2V Team Captains