Baker to Vegas 2009 Update

*if pressed for time: cliff notes are at the bottom of the e-mail*

Good Morning,

The planning and preparation portion of Baker to Vegas is in full swing-we
hope your running is too!

We are currently in the process of finalizing the members who will be
running. At this time there are 38 people requesting to compete and 24
spots. It is important that you attend our first sit down meeting if you
are interested in running, November 7th from 1200-1300 to touch base and
receive all of the pertinent information. If you cannot attend, please let
either DC1 or I know so we can ensure you are still interested. If you are
volunteering to assist with the race logistics we will have another meeting

At this point we need full commitment, which I know can be rather difficult
this early out. At this meeting we will discuss:
1-who will be running
2-applicable fees
3-hotels available
4-the (new!) race course
5-tshirt design

We would also like to reiterate, there are numerous roles that you can
participate in the event including: running, alternate runner, van driver,
shuttle driver, logistics, communications, radio, medical, public affairs,
documenting, and countless other support roles. Each one is vital to the
success of the team.

Very Respectfully,
ENS Stephanie Young (x. 3610) and DC1 Nate Wissmann (x. 3669)

Cliff Notes:
Who-Those who are committed to running!
What-Baker to Vegas Challenge Cup meeting
When-07NOV08 1200-1300
Where-The 2nd deck conf. room
Why-discuss the race
How-email: Stephanie.m.young (at) or Nathan.d.wissmann (at)